Alice Gerrard, Laurelyn Dossett & Kari Sickenberger with Sophie Moeckel
“Songs, Stories, Sisters”

Sunday February 23rd at 4PM

General Admission $30
SCAC Member $25

The Arts Place of Stokes
502 Main St
Danbury, NC 27016

Stokes Arts is pleased to announce this collaboration featuring the legendary Alice Gerrard with Laurelyn Dossett and Kari Sickenberger of Polecat Creek. Joining them will be Sophie Moeckel, Alice’s apprentice and mentee. The concert will be a showcase of the very heart of American roots music, with traditional songs and old-time tunes, as well as original songs by Alice, Laurelyn and Kari. And of course there will be harmony singing!  

Alice Gerrard is a talent of legendary status. In a career spanning more than 50 years, she has known, learned from, and performed with many of the old-time and bluegrass greats and has in turn earned worldwide respect for her own important contributions to the music. Known for her groundbreaking collaboration with Appalachian singer Hazel Dickens during the 1960s and ’70s, the duo produced four classic LPs on Rounder and Folkways that influenced scores of young women singers. Alice is a Grammy nominee, winner of the Tommy Jarrell Award, and a 2017 inductee into the Blue Ridge Music Hall of Fame.