About Us

The Mission of the Stokes County Arts Council is to support and promote the cultural arts in Stokes County, North Carolina. Since 1975, the organization has dedicated time and resources to providing high quality cultural arts and arts education programming to Stokes County residents and visitors to our county. Our programs create shared and lasting experiences that connect the participants to their heritage. The goals of the organization include to;
- Support local artists and provide a means to promote their work
- Facilitate quality arts education programs in all Stokes County Schools
- Educate and provide opportunities for life-long learning for all citizens
- Target and identify Arts needs in the community
- Form meaningful community partnerships
Our History
In 1974, a small group of Stokes County residents organized for the purpose of creating an event to celebrate Stokes County’s rich cultural arts community. Held on the banks of the Dan River at Moratock Park in Danbury that September, the inaugural Star Spangled Stokes Stomp included art and food vendors, craft demonstrations, as well as local music and dance. The event was an overwhelming success, drawing not only Stokes County residents, but visitors from bordering counties in North Carolina and Virginia. To continue the purpose of celebrating the cultural arts of Stokes County, the original core group of Stokes Stomp organizers applied for nonprofit status and the Stokes County Arts Council came into existence in 1975.
Today, the Stokes County Arts Council carries on the passionate and selfless legacy created by the original Board and Staff in the 1970’s, and carried on by the many other Board, Staff, Volunteers and Supporters since then.
“Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress, working together is success.” Henry Ford